Virtual Club Meeting: March 21st, 2024

Join us for our next virtual club meeting on Thursday, March 21st at 6:30pm.

We will swear-in our newly elected and re-elected executive board members, and we'll review updated election results from local contests and highlight high-profile races happening across the state. As mentioned in our election update yesterday, we will consider consolidating our club's support for Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate.

Also, we'll consider friendly incumbent endorsements for both Chula Vista Elementary School Board seats, San Marcos Unified Area A, Vista Unified School Board, and will re-consider a formal endorsement for Lemon Grove Mayor.

Please register for the March 21st virtual meeting here.

Finally, we will review and consider adopting several bylaws amendments including:

  • add attendance requirements for executive board members,
  • update membership requirements to serve on our club's executive board,
  • amend membership in good standing requirements,
  • add language to our club's standing rules for endorsements requiring support for non-binary and transgender community issues, and
  • require friendly incumbents to complete a candidate questionnaire.

Full language for the bylaws amendments can be found here.

And, the tentative agenda for the meeting can be found here.

For truth, justice, and a better tomorrow...

Ryan Trabuco (he/him/his)
Club President
San Diego Democrats for Equality

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