
rickie_brown.pngRickie Brown has lived in San Diego for 15 years. Rickie has led an advocacy group to lobby in Sacramento around local disparities in District 9, City Heights and more specifically in the lack of affordable housing. Rickie participates in Regional and Statewide discussions about Strategies to reform the housing budget and training leaders on this type of advocacy work.

Rickie has been nominated for a Housing Leadership Collaborative and a Ruby Award by the San Diego Housing Federation. Rickie also is a graduate of The Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute, a program of the Center on Policy Initiatives.

Currently, Rickie sits on the board of San Diego Democrats for Equality, Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club, and the City of San Diego's Human Relations Commission. She has served as an executive board member of the Fox Canyon Neighborhood Association, the City of San Diego's Citizens Review on Police Practices, and the City Heights Redevelopment PAC.